Oceanfront Squamish Presentation Centre

The latest addition to our growing portfolio of prefabricated, mass timber buildings, the new Presentation Centre and Public House is designed to serve as community gathering place long after its intended sales function concludes.
  • Location

    Squamish, BC

  • Completion

    Anticipated 2024

  • Size

    16,748 sq ft

Aerial imagery of Howe Sound and the Oceanfront Squamish development
Aerial view of Howe Sound

Located on the southern end of the peninsula, the Presentation Centre will face an 11-acre public park with sweeping views of Howe Sound, the Squamish Chief, and Shannon Falls.

In time, the remaining development will be built out with multi-family housing, a three kilometer multi-use waterfront trail, light industrial facilities, a learning campus, and mixed-used buildings with retail opportunities.

Oceanfront Squamish development

The build

A large concrete slab

Concrete foundation

At 556 cubic metres, the foundation for the Presentation Centre is Naikoon’s largest concrete pour by volume to date. Post-pour, an unexpected drop in temperature threatened its ability to set, requiring quick thinking from the project team; the area was tented and a heat pump installed to keep the concrete a consistent temperature for several days.

Wood panels in a construction lay-down yard

Lay-down yard

Prefabrication methodologies are an effective way to minimize construction labour costs, and in Squamish, our team took it a step further by creating a nearby lay-down yard. The yard is a huge asset in our process, giving us full quality control over factory-made components, while giving us an opportunity to save additional time by applying the rain screen membrane horizontally. Our time-saving measures proved valuable. Despite adverse weather conditions (including 20 knot winds and an early dump of snow), the building was erected in six weeks, meeting our target.


